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Fold n' Feel Restored: The Laundream Way to Blissful Order

by Sarah McDonnell 12 Mar 2024

Folding, often seen as the final lap in the laundry journey, is more than just a chore in the Laundream world—it's a moment for mindfulness and a chance to sprinkle a little joy into our routines. Picture this: a serene corner, a stack of freshly laundered items, and you, transforming disarray into neat parcels of peace.

But let's face it, we all have that one chair, don't we? The one that, as the week progresses, becomes an ever-growing mountain of fresh laundry, waiting patiently to be folded. I'll confess, mine assumes the role of a makeshift wardrobe more often than I'd like to admit. Gathering the energy to tackle the folding can sometimes feel like preparing for a marathon, and I'll sheepishly acknowledge there are days when I succumb to the temptation of simply shoving everything into a drawer, out of sight but definitely not out of mind. It's a cheeky habit, a little rebellion against the folding regime, but hey, we're only human, right? Hopefully these top tips will help:

The Art of Tidying Textiles

Dive into folding with those big players: tablecloths, bedding, and snug blankets. There's a certain satisfaction in taming these textiles, smoothing them into orderly stacks. With each fold of a blanket or sheet, you're not just tidying; you're crafting comfort for future moments.

The Scented Touch

Elevate the experience by weaving in Laundream's enchantment. Imagine tucking a Rose Garden or Floral Meadow sheet into your folds, turning your cupboard into a fragrant haven. It's these little touches, a hint of rose or wildflower, that transform the mundane into something magical.

OR ...  Outsource Your Fold!!!

Sometimes, the best laundry strategies come with a pinch of creativity and a dash of cheekiness. Picture this: you've got a mountain of clean laundry sitting on the sofa, and just then, your mum pops over for a cuppa. Casually leaving it there might just prompt a folding session over tea and gossip. Or, perhaps, strategically placing that pile on your partner's side of the bed, and then playing the 'Oh, I totally forgot about that!' card when they stumble upon it, might just get them folding before bedtime.

Getting the kids involved can be a game-changer too. Turn sock matching into a mini-adventure game, where every pair is a 'perfect match' treasure they need to find. It's amazing how quickly those socks get paired up when there's a bit of fun involved.

And then there's the ultimate helper-gathering strategy: timing your laundry to be ready for folding just as friends come over. It's hard for them to resist lending a hand when they see you in the midst of laundry duties. Before you know it, you've turned a solo chore into a group activity, filled with chatter and teamwork. Sometimes, it's these little strategies that make laundry day just a bit more bearable and a lot more social.

Here at Laundream, we're all ears for your tales from the fold. Got any clever tricks for nudging someone else into folding duty? We're all for swapping stories and cheeky tips under the #Laundreamers banner. So go on, give us a giggle with your folding escapades. Happy folding (or delegating)!

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