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Even more Laundreamin': The Laundream Blog

Make it a Laundream - not a chore: 5 tips on getting more out of your laundry time

by Sarah McDonnell 27 Oct 2023

OK so we’re living in the age of the juggle struggle - and we get it. Those minutes for ourselves definitely feel fewer and farther between and as we’re on a mission to make doing laundry a Laundream, we’ve pulled together a list of tips n’ tricks for you to get more out of your Laundry time.


It all starts with us all committing to saying no to multi-tasking - our brains are just not made for it. Psychologists even say that our brains were not designed to carry the cognitive weight of doing more than one thing at once (never mind several hundred).


So, even when the washer is on, you’re carrying the mental load of waiting for the ping.. so here’s how we think you could bring a bit more therapeutic dreaminess to laundry time:


  1. Get the kettle on. Old-skool it

Think Jigsaws. Getting your hands on textures through needlepoint, knitting and the almost vintage-feeling act of leafing through an actual book. Dim the glare and give yourself the dreamy gift of some tech-free time.


  1. Get back to nature

Laundream brings nature & plant-powered fragrance to your clothes but nothing can mimic the wellbeing rewards of really getting out there. Get your coffee in your Keep Cup and leave the house for a bit - wild winds, ferocious weather, calm ponds or breath-taking views - it’ll leave you feeling dreamy. Guaranteed.


  1. Gamify the bottom of the to-do list

See tackling the basket of odd socks as a 3D game of pairs. Give the cleaning cupboard a bit of the Tetris treatment. Unburden yourself of a draw of junk with the junk clear-up challenge - with that fancy egg-timer that never gets used. Double the achievement of fresh laundry.


4. Fold n’ feel restored

OK - so yes, this is a bit of a ‘chore’ - but what a rewarding one nonetheless. Tackle the tablecloths, bedding and bygone blankets cupboard. Give everything a waft for freshness and fold back into organisation. Even place a sheet or two of Laundream Rose Garden for Floral Meadow for a fragrance boost. You won’t regret it.


5. Cleanse your body, mind and soul with a daytime bath

We’re not going to argue with the experts, no not at all. The healing effects of water are long appreciated, and nothing can quite beat the almost roguish act of a daytime bath! Get the candles out, cuppas on and create your own sanctuary. By the time the washer has pinged, you’ll feel as refreshed as your laundry.



What are your guilty pleasures for how you spend your Laundry time? #Laundreamers let us know so we can share your tips and tricks with the Laundream community. 

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